New name—same life-changing experiences!

Dear Friends, we have exciting news to share! Did you know that Camp Ooch & Camp Trillium merged in 2020? A journey began soon after to discover a new name that would signal our new future, together.
We wanted our new name to place kids and families affected by childhood cancer at the heart of what we do, and recognize the caring community surrounding them. It needed to acknowledge our roots, and carry us into the future.
After speaking with many of you—our community—we found it!
Starting January 2022 we are excited to announce that we will be called CAMPFIRE CIRCLE. We aren’t changing what we do—we’re just changing our name.
At CAMPFIRE CIRCLE, we create a safe space for kids to be kids, so families can be families—we’ve been trusted for 38 years to provide healing through happiness. Over the years, our volunteer-driven organization has expanded to deliver camp-inspired programs year-round in hospitals, in communities, at overnight camp, and now, online.
Each one of YOU is a spark that makes us who we are—you make CAMPFIRE CIRCLE burn bright. Join us as we celebrate this exciting new milestone!
Alex Robertson, CEO

Spark up a conversation!
Our new name takes effect in January 2022 but you can help us celebrate, starting now! Access social media assets to help spread the word here, or download CAMPFIRE CIRCLE activities for kids & teens here. Get answers to your rebrand questions, here, and if you missed our October announcement, watch our video here. Sign up to receive our bi-annual newsletter here.
We are grateful for Indigenous communities’ stewardship of the land that we occupy, and we aspire to be deserving stewards of the land, in partnership with them. Learn more about our efforts at diversity, equity, inclusion and reconciliation here.