
Thanks for being a champion supporting childhood cancer! Because of schools like yours, families impacted by childhood cancer can live fuller & happier lives! 

With your help, and a goal of $90,000 we can give 180 days of camp!

Your Impact

  • Since the arrival of COVID in 2020, more than 4,000 children have been affected by childhood cancer in Ontario and in 2022, half of our Campers at summer overnight camp will be on active treatment. Camp is about living, and kids and families need camp more than ever, right now.
  • Where ever a child is in their cancer journey, Campfire Circle delivers camp-inspired programs at no-cost to the family. Whether this be In-Hospital Programs, community programs or at overnight/family camp - our team meets campers where they are to help bring smiles and giggles to their day. One day of overnight camp costs $500 and families are leaning on your school to make this possible. How many days of camp will your school provide?